When is the plan’s Annual General Meeting?

The plan’s Annual General Meeting (AGM) is usually held during the first week in November. You will be invited to attend the AGM via email and mail. Notice of the time, location and business to be considered will be provided at least 21 days before the meeting.

Every member is entitled to attend the meeting and vote on the business presented. Alternatively, you can grant a proxy to another person to attend on your behalf. Each member is entitled to one vote per business item. Certain matters must be dealt with at the Annual General Meeting. These include:

  • approval of financial statements for the preceding financial year,
  •  appointment of Trustees,
  • approval for (or change of) Trustee remuneration (if any),
  • a report on the terms and remuneration agreed to with agents who have been delegated administrative or investment duties,
  • the appointment of auditors for the upcoming year, and
  • presentation (every five years) of an actuarial report.

Other items of business will be added to the agenda, as required. You are encouraged to attend and vote on the business presented. Any resolution passed at a meeting will affect all members, even you regardless of whether you attend or vote.

It is also a requirement that the trustees must be invested in the Silver Thatch Pension Plan. To date, the trustees have all worked on a voluntary basis and have not requested compensation for their work.

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