In order to file an appeal, the member will need to send an email to the indicating in the subject line that it is an Appeal to the Director. Alternatively, if the member wishes to provide the information in hard copy, the member should prepare a letter to the Director, and deliver it to the Department. Due to the pandemic and ongoing curfews, until the Department reopens, please call 345-945-8960 and leave a voicemail (which should also include an email address, if possible). A Department representative will contact the member to arrange delivery of the document.

In the email or the letter, the member will need to clearly explain the reason that the member is filing the appeal, i.e. why the member is of the view that the Administrator’s decision is not in line with the National Pensions (Amendment) Law, 2020.

In the appeal submission, the member is also requested to provide a copy of the member’s submission to the Administrator which the Director will review as part of the appeal.

The appeal submission to the Director will be receipted within two business days and a decision will be communicated to the applicant and the Administrator.

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