In certain circumstances you may withdraw up to CI$35,000 from your account to use as a deposit to purchase or build a home, buy land or to pay off an existing mortgage.
This service is available subject to certain conditions, including:
• You must be Caymanian, as per the meaning under the Immigration Law
• If you are using the funds as a deposit to purchase or build a home you must not already own a dwelling unit in the Cayman Islands.
• If purchasing land you must not own any other land in the Cayman Islands.
• If you are purchasing either land or a home, the funds must be used as a deposit on a mortgage offered by an institution with a class A banking license.
If you have satisfied the above criteria, you may apply for funds by providing the following:
- Original bank approval letter and consent letter (bank stamp must be affixed to consent letter)
- Completed Property Withdrawal Application
- Completed Pension Withdrawal Agreement- must be signed by employer
- Completed NPO Housing Form
- Completed Pension Withdrawal Restriction form- This form along with $55 KYD must be submitted to the National Pensions Office. (Please ensure that you obtain a copy for our records)
- Notarized copy of your current passport
- Notarized copy of birth certificate/ status certificate
- Notarized Affidavit. This is to be completed if various name formats are used throughout your application
All documents must be submitted via email to for review before we are able to accept your application.
**You may also withdraw your voluntary contributions for housing proposes.